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Toe stops Snow White
€ 19,50
cos SW02 Toe stops Snow whitepair S: 10 - 13 L: 14 - 20
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Jackson inline bionic toe stop
Large stopper that is height-adjustable allows for easier transitions between artistic moves.
€ 23,79
Toe Stops Roll Line Baby
€ 18,00
The Baby toestops are the smaller version of the Ambra toestops, suited for the smaller sizes of the Linea frame. Made exclusively with natural rubber which boasts the same performance with respect to grip and elasticity as the Ambra toestops. The unique composition facilitates the execution of toe-assisted jumps, obtaining a greater push and height, as well as a high level of durability. The Baby toestops are furnished on the Linea frame with sizes 71⁄4 and 8, while on larger sizes they may assist in better simulating the lateral angle of inclination available on ice skates. Roll Line© toestops and plates are designed with an optimal angle to augment the leverage necessary for jumps and spins. Thanks to their unique formula, Roll Line© toestops do not leave marks on the skating surface, and ensure a long lifespan even on rough surfaces.
€ 21,96